QT with my Granddaughter

Yesterday my granddaughter and I shared some silent but fantastic quality time together. We painted. I’m not sure she gives me permission to share her awesome work–so I’ll have to ask her when I see her next, but I’ll describe it. Mine is shown here. We shared acrylic paint from one paper plate palette, and sat on either side of a kid’s sandwich board art easel. We didn’t look at each other’s work until we were done. I finished first: a tree, painted while trying to hold my brush at arm’s length to keep it loose. Fun, but not super special. Hers, on the other hand: a tall hill with a brown road leading up to a wild sunset with pine trees at the top of the hill. Two children were running and playing, chasing each other. Snow was starting to fall, and already it was collecting in white mounds on the road. I love that child. She told a story with her painting, and it was full of life!

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